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Fullstack JS Developer

About me

I'm a Computer Science Engineer with over 8 years experience on Fullstack Software Development (12+ projects). High experience in NodeJS, Python and Java-based backend technology; Javascript frontend frameworks such as React, React Native, VueJS, and AngularJS.
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Senior Fullstack Engineer at WillDom

At WillDom I worked in a distributed team of highly talented professionals including: developers, DevOps, QA, UX/UI designers and project managers. One of the projects I worked on is OutFit, which is a mobile fitness service that brings private training and group fitness classes to parks and neighborhoods across America.

  • Defined the tech-stack for a backend project with GraphQL endpoints. (NodeJS, Apollo Server and Prisma)
  • Implemented the mobile app using React-Native, Expo and socket.io for interactive real-time features.
  • Contributed to the frontend project using NextJS.
Fullstack Engineer at Codium

I worked for this software consulting company for almost 5 years and held a wide variety of roles. I participated in projects for different clients including local institutions (both public and private) and remote American companies as well. The main tech stack used during this period of time was NodeJS / ReactJS. Some of the projects are listed below:

  • FunnelAi: FunnelAi filters through over 300 million+ public social posts to identify prospective customers with high intent to purchase in real time. Through this software, businesses can respond to prospects directly.
    • Implemented new features for the Aingine platform for getting public social posts.
    • Maintained the existing web application and core modules using ReactJS, Python, Flask, Graphene, Postgresql, Elasticsearch.
    • Reviewed and approved code changes.
  • MUV: Helped a local startup to develop a mobile application for their Ridesharing service platform. I was in charge of the Passengers mobile app.
    • Implemented the hybrid mobile application using React Native and Expo.
    • Implemented the interactive UI for trips using socket.io.
  • Datasystems: External Consultant for a Re-engineering project for redesigning an Enterprise Resource Planning System from a desktop program to a web application. I was in charge of the frontend of the app.
    • Created the foundations of the frontend project as well as reusable components using ReactJS.
    • Helped the backend team to adjust their implementations.
    • Trained employees to maintain and follow best practices while updating the platform.
  • Simple Farms: Joined 303 Software’s team to build an AgTech App distributed as SaaS
    • Developed user interfaces using ReactJS,
    • Redux, Redux-saga and Material-UI.
    • Implemented API endpoints using NodeJS and ExpressJS.
  • PeerDoc / Appcivist: AppCivist is a web application for collaborative development and selection of proposals which needed an embeddable collaborative text editor. On the other hand, PeerDoc is an open-source collaborative real-time rich-text editor for the web.
    • Contributed to an open-source project and implemented rich-text editor features such as: undo/redo,highlighting, styling, etc. Technologies used: Vuejs, Meteor, NodeJS.
    • Supported the Appcivist team during the adoption of Peerdoc.
Software Developer at Polytechnic Faculty - National University of Asuncion

Junior Analyst / Developer in charge of the SIGH Project (Integral System of Hospital Management).

  • Met with health professionals to gather requirements for designing the system sub-modules.
  • Developed a sub-module for Surgical Instruments Management using Java EE technology.
  • Supported and maintained existing sub-modules.
  • Helped in the onboarding process of new programmers and interns.

My skills

Artboard 3Typescript
logoReact Native


National University of Asunción
  • Received a scholarship for good academic performance and achieved a distinction for being among the best students in my class.
  • Cowrote a research paper called "Prediction of Dengue Cases in Paraguay Using Artificial Neural Networks", The research paper was published in "The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering & Applied Computing" in Las Vegas.
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Fab Academy

Distributed program in digital fabrication taught by MIT Professor. Neil Gershenfeld. It was developed to teach hands-on skills in fab labs, which began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, and has grown into a global network of more than 500 labs. Weekly assignments and final project are available in my portfolio. Coding assignments were implemented in C, Python and Javascript / NodeJS.

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